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Terms & Acceptance

I do hereby grant to Iron Forge Man Camp and to its designees, licensees, and assigns, the right and authority to take photographs, and audio and video recordings of my person and voice, and to use such images and recordings, as is deemed appropriate by Iron Forge Man Camp for commercial, educational, recreational, and/or promotional purposes relating to Iron Forge Man Camp and its activities. Any of the foregoing materials created pursuant to this grant of authority may be broadcast, transmitted, performed, published, or displayed in mass media publications, in Iron Forge Man Camp print or digital publications, in television or movie presentations, online and on social media, and/or on Iron Forge Man Camp’s internet website(s) and app(s). My first name may also be used in connection with any such use.

I further grant Iron Forge Man Camp all right, title, and/or interest of any kind that I may have in the foregoing materials created pursuant to this grant of authority. Upon creation, any and all such recordings shall become and remain the sole property of Iron Forge Man Camp, and I waive any claim of ownership or interest of any nature.

Furthermore, I hereby release Iron Forge Man Camp, its staff, board, volunteers and other representatives, licensees, designees, and assigns, from any and all claims that might arise as a consequence of either my participation in the Awaited performance or the existence or use of recordings, images or other intellectual property created pursuant to this Release and Authorization.

I hereby acknowledge that this Release and Authorization is made without promise of compensation or other consideration from Iron Forge Man Camp. I view Iron Forge Man Camp allowing me to participate in the production activities as sufficient consideration for the releases and waivers made by me herein. My signature below signifies my agreement to the above provisions and acknowledges that I am eighteen years of age or older.

Iron Forge Man Camp Waiver


I understand in signing this document I do hereby forever waive any and all claims of any type or nature against Iron Forge Man Camp and the property owner (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Iron Forge Man Camp”) where the Man Camp event (hereinafter referred to as the “event”) will be held. I release Iron Forge Man Camp from any and all claims of any type or nature arising from our voluntary agreement to participate in a sponsored event by Iron Forge Man Camp. I understand I assume full and complete responsibility for any accidents, injuries, illnesses, or other conditions which may occur en route, during, or as a consequence of our voluntary participation in the event through Iron Forge Man Camp.

I further understand under no circumstances am I in any way an employee, agent, officer, or director of Iron Forge Man Camp for purposes of this event. No representations of any type or nature have been made to me by Iron Forge Man Camp, its officers, directors, or employees.

Do you accept the Recordings Release and Waiver?
No Refunds or Transfers PolicyMan Camp does not provide refunds or transfers to future events if you decide not to come or cannot make it after you register. Please consider this risk and commitment before registering
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